26. Treffen (November): Graphs, Databases and what we can use them for

Das nächste Treffen findet am 06.11.2013 ab 19.00 Uhr statt.
Michael Hackstein wird dann einen Talk über „Graphs, Databases and what we can use them for“ halten.
The topic of this talk is all about graphs and databases.
We will start of with a definition of the term „graph“ and show some use cases were storing your data as a graph is reasonable.
Afterwards we will have an introduction to graph traversals, useful to analyse and query your graph data.
But how can we store data is a graph?
We will solve this question by using ArangoDB, so we have an introduction on how to create a new graph structure and how to transform an existing structure into a graph.
And finally we will use the new graph visualisation tool added to ArangoDB to visualise and explore the data we have just created.
Vergesst nicht Euch anzumelden. Wir freuen uns auf zahlreiche Teilnehmer.
Das Treffen findet wie immer hier statt:
NoSQL UG (c/o triAGENS GmbH)
Hohenstaufenring 43-45
50674 Cologne/ Station: Zülpicher Platz

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