19. Treffen (Januar): CouchBase Server 2.0

Getting Started with Couchbase Server 2.0
In this presentation Tug, will present the latest release of Couchbase Server. Couchbase Server 2.0 transforms Couchbase Server into a document database with the addition of JSON support, indexing and querying, and cross datacenter replication building on to existing capabilities of being easily scalable, consistently high-performant and always on. This session will show a hands-on tour of the product and the underlying architecture.

Tugdual Grall is a Technical Evangelist at Couchbase, an open source advocate and a passionate developer. He currently works with the European developer communities to ease the NoSQL adoption. Tugdual is contributing to the Java and Node/JavaScript Couchbase SDKs.
Tug has spoken at number of conferences including Devoxx, Open Source Day Poland, Google I/O, JavaOne and many meetups and user groups. He is co-founder of the Nantes JUG (Java User Group) that holds since 2008 monthly meeting about Java ecosystem. He also writes his own blog and finally when he finds the time to do it, he develops the site www.resultri.com a Google App Engine based application.

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